Bob Delmont

Bob Delmont

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Words we never spell correctly

The Word MISPELL Ironically Misspelled

Photo: sdominick / iStock / Getty Images

Photo Credit: Getty Images

There are good spellers who are still haunted by a mistake from their sixth grade spelling bee. And then there are others, who still can't figure out whether they should use: Y-O-U-R, Y-O-U-R-E or U-R.  

Someone asked the internet: "What is the ONE word you can never spell correctly?" And the responses were relatable. Here are a few:


1. Maintenance. "When I try to spell it out . . . my brain just short circuits."

2. Diarrhea. "It's always a big mess. My spelling, that is."

3. Convenience. Someone said, "I wanted to say this too, but couldn't spell it."

4. Boutonnière. "And I'm a wedding photographer."

5. Necessary. Remember: One C, Two Ss.

6. Occasionally. Remember: Two Cs. One S.

7. Accommodate. Remember: Two Cs. Two Ms.

8. Embarrass. Remember: Two Rs. Two Ss.

9. Receipt. Remember: "I" before "E," except after "C."

10. Seize. Remember: "I" before . . . wait a minute!  (This must be an exception. English is FUN! Good luck following all this, A.I.)

11. Conscientious. And also: Conscience.

12. Rhythm.

13. Restaurant.

14. Refrigerator. Mostly due to the disappearing "D" from "fridge."

15. Privilege.

16. Definitely.

17. Nauseous.

18. Alcohol. Even when sober.

19. Hemorrhoids.

20. As a preemptive strike, tomorrow is a WEDNESDAY in FEBRUARY, and a lot of people struggle with both of those.


On top of this madness, there are also the words that are technically correct in two forms and yet, we agonize over them anyway.

Things like: 

  • Canceled vs. cancelled with TWO Ls
  • Judgment vs. judgement with an E in the middle
  • Ax vs. axe with an E at the end.



(Ask Reddit)

 Getty Images

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