WATCH: Tesla Owner Blows Up His Car Over $22,000 Repair Bill

A Tesla owner from Finland decided to blow up his vehicle after he was hit with a hefty repair bill. According to InsiderTuomas Katainen bought the modified 2013 Tesla Model S about a year-and-a-half ago and started having issues after just 900 miles.

Katainen said he had to get the car towed because of leaking water and error codes he didn't understand. When he took it to a mechanic, he was told it would cost $22,600 to repair the issues, which included a faulty battery. In addition, Tesla would have to sign off on the repairs.

Instead of spending the money on fixing his Model S, Katainen decided to blow it up. He reached out to several YouTubers, who were enthusiastic about his plans. Working with the creators of the YouTube channel Pommijätkät (Bomb Dudes), Katainen got his wish.

They removed the car's lithium-ion battery and motors before strapping 66 pounds of dynamite to the vehicle. Then a helicopter lowered in a dummy of Tesla CEO Elon Musk, which was strapped into the driver's seat. After retreating to a blast shelter, Katainen was given the honor of pushing the button that would blow his car to pieces.

The massive explosion was captured by drones and high-speed cameras and posted to YouTube, where it has amassed over five million views.

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